Genetics at Heart
A little spit, a short wait, and soon you've got the results of your DNA test, and with them a statistical peek into your ancestry. This sort of test is illegal in France, but that doesn't stop the curious from having it done anyway. Besides, it sounds harmless and fun, doesn't it? When a brilliant geneticist's daughter has the tests performed, she learns that it can lead to an upheaval of her world. As she struggles to cope with the results, she also learns of the uses—and misuses—of genetic testing. Family drama and an education in genetics intertwine in this fascinating look at the complexity of DNA, modern science, and the human heart.

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À propos de l'auteur

Philippe Amouyel

Philippe Amouyel is a doctor and Professor of Public Health at a major hospital in Lille, France. He is internationally recognized for his contributions to research on the genetic causes of Alzheimer's and is the author of "The Anti-Alzheimer Guide, Secrets of a Healthy Brain" (published in France by Le Cherche midi). His graphic novel, "La Génétique au coeur," illustrated by Héloïse Chochois, was published by Dargaud in 2023 (Europe Comics 2023 for the English version, entitled "Genetics at Heart").

Héloise Chochois

Héloïse Chochois was born in 1991 in France. She studied at the art and design school L'École Estienne, where she obtained her diploma in 2014. After an internship at a solid-state physics lab in Paris, she turned toward scientific journalism, and quickly specialized in illustrations designed to explain science to the general public. She has published works on prostheses past and future, on artificial intelligence, and on the events that struck the United States on September 11, 2001 ("11 septembre, le jour où tout a basculé" (Dargaud, Topo, 2021, Europe Comics 2021 for the English edition), scenario by journalist Baptiste Bouthier. Her latest graphic novel, "La Génétique au coeur," with a script by recognized geneticist Philippe Amouyel, was published by Dargaud in 2023 (Europe Comics 2023 for the English version, entitled "Genetics at Heart").


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